Beth Armstrong

Christian wife, mom, & author. Doing life with my eyes fixed on Jesus. I walk, I stumble, I fall. But God is big. And this is what I write about… Thanks for stopping by!

Archive for the day “June 6, 2024”

Why Not Be Confident?

I recently popped into Dollar General to grab a couple of quick things. When I got up to the check-out, there was a guy at the counter in front of me. He was an African American, wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a ball cap. But none of those things are what I noticed about him first. What I first noticed about this guy was that he was wearing big gold-rimmed glasses with no lenses in them. How funny…and a little odd. He was very friendly and quite chatty with the clerk.

After he had finished paying, he stepped aside and was putting his money back in his wallet. As I put my few things up on the counter, he looked over at me and said, “You are a very confident woman, aren’t you?”

Now, to be honest, I hadn’t even spoken to him, so I don’t know where he would’ve come up with this assessment. I was on my way to officiate a wedding, so I was a little more dressed up than usual. Since I was running in and running out quickly, I kept my sunglasses on. So, I’m guessing it may have somehow been my appearance. But his comment totally caught me off guard. I suppose he could tell by my reaction or the look on my face that I was slightly surprised.

So, he said it again, “You’re confidant, aren’t you? I can just tell by looking at you.”

And so, I responded…confidently, of course… “I am confident. Why not be confident?”

He said, “Yeah…yeah…I see that.”

Then I said, “Aren’t you?”

And he laughed and pointed out his glasses. The big gold ones with no lenses. He smiled and said, “You probably didn’t notice I have glasses with no lenses, did you?”

I chuckled and said, “As a matter of fact, that was the first thing I noticed about you.”

He responded back with a grin, “But they look cool, right?”

To which I answered…confidently, of course… “They 100% look fantastic on you!”

He laughed, then told me to have a great day.

As I left the store, I couldn’t get his comment out of my head. “You’re a confident woman.” And it’s true…I am. Apparently my confidence can come across as intimidating to some. It’s never the way I intend it, but it is what it is.

Even though I certainly am not the best at everything I do, I’ve made tons of mistakes in my life, and my family and I are far from flawless, I’m still a confident woman. And in my confidence, I can’t help but recall the verses from Psalm 121:1-2 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

You see, that’s the whole basis of my confidence. It’s not about my abilities at all. It’s totally about the God who works in me and through me. It’s not about my strength in all situations. It’s about finding my strength in God who can help me through all situations. It’s about me allowing Him to mold me and shape me, lead me and guide me, build me up and use me. And when I align myself with His plan, when I trust that He knows better and has better things in mind for me than I could ever dream, then there it is. There’s the confident woman that the gold-rimmed-no-lens-glasses guy saw in Dollar General.

I don’t know what your story is. I don’t know if you’re fearful or faithful. I don’t know if you’re poised or petrified. I don’t know if you’re assertive or afraid. What I do know is this—you have a God that thinks the world of you. He’s on your side. He’s for you, not against you.

So…the next time you go to Dollar General (or any store), be confident.

The next time you go to a wedding, be confident.

The next time you see a guy wearing gold rimmed glasses with no lenses in them, be confident.

The next time you’re faced with any challenge, be confident. Because your help comes from the Lord!

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